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Tropical Love - It's Time

Written By Shauna Lambeth 28 Sep 2021
Tropical Love - It's Time

It's time to bring all your houseplants indoors if you haven't already. Give them a careful once-over for insects and monitor them weekly.

As a rule I like to recommend having them outside from May 15th to about Sept 15th. Using this time frame is less shocking to tropicals.

While our specialty is outdoor plants here are a few general tips for growing houseplants. *You may need to research information on your own specific varieties.

If you are new to growing houseplants having a routine will help you learn about what each of your plants need. Don't let being afraid of failing stop you from trying.

Having a schedule for caring for your house plants will give you greater success. I choose Sunday to water and care for my houseplants. Sundays just feel a little more relaxed.

Check your plant's light requirements and place it in a good location not too close to heat registers or fireplace heat.

Remember to water a little bit lighter in the winter as your plants aren't growing as actively. Watering too heavily in the winter can make your plants prone to soil gnats.

Give your plants a little love with liquid kelp/liquid Seaweed fertilizer every second week.

We stock specialty indoor soils for repotting your babies.

May your indoor jungle bring you much happiness!

Shauna Lambeth ©

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