Our COVID-19 Prevention Measures
Written By
27 May 2020

We are grateful to be listed as an essential service at this time and therefore we take our COVID-19 prevention measures seriously. We ask for your understanding and cooperation.
- Make a list so you can shop efficiently and reduce the time you are in our store and nursery.
- While we normally LOVE being a family destination, at this time, we ask that you send one family member to shop to reduce the risk to your family and ours.
- When there are more than 8 cars in the parking lot please wait by your car for someone to leave before coming inside.
- Customers are limited in high congestion areas such as:-
- 3 people at the seed racks
- 4 people in our back heated hothouse
- 6 people in our large hoop greenhouse
- Please stand at the comfort line, as shown on the floor, at the checkout to give our cashiers safe distancing (as Nigel says, "No bellying up to the bar" lol!).
- Paying with Tap with your Debit, Visa, Mastercard or American Express is the safest form of payment. We also accept chip and cash payments.
- We are happy to load your soils, manures, peat moss and fertilizers but we understand if you prefer to load yourself. *Please do not load anything before paying for product. Please understand that we still need to be sure that you are loading what you paid for.
- And finally, in order to keep our store open, we need to ensure our amazing staff members each feel safe at all times when helping you. This may involve pointing and directing more than we are used to and they may also be reminding you to keep 6 feet between you and them at all times. It is for your safety and ours. Thank you for understanding.
We look forward to getting back to normal and serving you the way we are used to and love to. It is going to take patience, kindness and a really good sense of humour for us to get through this.
Sincerely, Nigel & Shauna
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