Installing Rain Drip Micro Irrigation

A couple of summers ago I vowed that I was done dragging hoses around my deck before or after a long day at work. My planters on my deck are large whiskey barrels and only need watering about every third day but I always have two or three hanging baskets that need watering daily and while it's really hot sometimes twice a day.
I could handle watering the barrels with the hose every third day but doing the baskets every day was getting tiresome. I decided to install a very simple Raindrip - drip system for the baskets.
I gathered the tools and supplies required, the connecting pieces, 1/4 inch tubing and drippers, a small hammer, a pair of scissors, and a cup of hot water (to soften the tubing) and began the job. Fifteen minutes later I was done and I could not believe I had waited that long to do it.
DIY Raindrip Micro Irrigation System
The Raindrip system is slick. Eventually, I added my deck planters to the system. It's very simple to add to the Raindrip system or change if necessary.
I could hook a timer to it if I wanted, it is just a matter of screwing it in between the tap and the beginning of the system but I don't mind turning it on and off. I wander around while it is running, enjoying my morning coffee, while I am checking on all my plants.
Shauna Lambeth ©
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