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How to Plant Fruit Trees

Written By Shauna Lambeth 04 Mar 2025
How to Plant Fruit Trees

Growing fruit trees can be one of the most rewarding forms of gardening and to have your organic fruit to harvest and eat is priceless!

Some of the best types of trees to grow in our area are apples, pears, cherries and plums. Peaches too can be grown in Campbell River but are a bit trickier because of our coastal rains. For peaches choose a south or west wall, to espalier (train and prune) them against, with an eave over them to keep the rain off their leaves. All fruit trees would prefer the hot sunny summers and cold sunny winters of the Okanagan, but we can still be successful here with care.

Fruit trees grow best in a full-sun location where the soil is good and the ground drains well. Choosing a good location is an important step in your success so have a good look around your yard for the best spot.

When you purchase your fruit trees be sure to take the time to consider pollination otherwise your trees might not reliably set fruit, but we will help you with that.

We sell our fruit trees bare-root (without a pot) at this time of year so you will need to plant them the same day you purchase them. I often like to recommend that the hole be dug before the trees are purchased so that the planting is half done when you return home with your new trees.

I can't emphasize enough to plant your new trees well, add bonemeal for root growth and some peat moss (or Coir) and manure (or compost) to improve the soil. Bonemeal feeds your new trees phosphorus for two years (holy cow!). After planting give your new trees a deep watering. Not only does your new tree need this it also ensures there are no air pockets around the roots of your tree. Lastly, apply liquid Root Booster fertilizer as it is a huge benefit to all bare-root transplanting.

You will need to be able to supply summer water to your trees for them to flourish. It’s critical for the first three years. Water deeply every week. Keep in mind that if we have long dry spells during summer (or even Spring) you may need to provide more.

You should not allow your new trees to produce fruit in the first summer, I know it is hard, but it will give you a stronger tree in time. In the second year, you can let your tree have a small crop (less than 10) then by the third year, your new tree should be raring to go.

Before you know it you'll be pickin' & eatin' summer fruits in your backyard!

Learn about Fruit Tree Pruning here

Happy Gardening!

Shauna Lambeth ©

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