Here Come the Fall Colours!

All around Campbell River, I am enjoying the fall colours from the street trees, on our trails, in private gardens and one of my favourites stunning view of Quadra Island with the big leaf maples (Acer macrophyllum) lit up within the deep green coniferous trees. This leads me to think, of how we never know, who will enjoy the trees and shrubs we plant.
A personal experience of this was a particularly magnificent Smoke Bush (Cotinus) on Hilchey Road which caused me to pull the car over and take a picture. It was a glorious hue of glowing coral, deepening to pinkish-red. I felt thankful to the homeowner who planted it for the glowing feeling it passed along to me.
Likewise, the burning bush (Euonymus alatus) and red maples (Acer rubrum) at the Arena on Dogwood Street have been enjoyed by many of us Riverites. Customers mention this gorgeous planting every fall. I hope those who planted and cared for these plants know how much we all appreciate their beauty.
I also recall the first fall that my children went to EDM School many years ago. Dropping them off and noticing how lovely all the maples that surround the school are with their deep, dark trunks and gorgeous, golden foliage. How perfect for a school to have such an inspiring and beautiful setting but I'm guessing you know plants make me happy:)
I hope you have had time to stop and enjoy the autumn colours. And when you plant trees and shrubs remember you might never know the joy others get from your garden!
Shauna Lambeth ©
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